6 Days Until the Hunt Begins

We are asked to clarify what goes on during the event often enough that we would like to answer a few common questions.

What kind of events are there?
All types. Social ones like the annual Beer Swap/Wine Tasting, the raffle, hanging out in the vendor area to various pre-planned driving events foe everyone. Check the Events forum leading up to MATG and the whiteboard at the Registration tent for any updates.

Seems like a lot going on, what does this cost?
Nothing. It’s completely free to attend. The length of your stay is up to you. The only costs are for food, lodging and gas.

If this is free, and it’s not organized, why do I have to register?
You don’t, but we appreciate it if you do so at our tent. This just allows us to count approximate attendance. On average, we have about 500 registered Miatas and around 15-20% who don’t register but filter in and out throughout the weekend. Also, if you register, you get a free dash plaque and we toss in swag from vendors, supporters and the local area when we can.

I don’t see a place to register on the website/forum…
There isn’t one, Registration is done in person starting Friday morning at the Registration tent. You can also purchase event t-shirts and raffle tickets here and find a schedule of events.

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2 Replies to “6 Days Until the Hunt Begins”

  1. Hey where is the tent located I will be staying at the dragons rest cabins and I was wondering what time Friday morning is best to be there!

  2. Hi Linda,

    The registration tent and most of the vendors setup fairly early on Friday and Saturday morning. Take a look at our planned events to see if anything strikes your fancy, otherwise show up whenever, hangout and talk with friendly Miata folk for the day

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