While we normally like to be happy-go-lucky, there are occasionally some things that need to be addressed. That being said we avoided any major incidents this weekend and we would like to do a bit of a PSA to our fans and anyone else who may come across this post.
The single MOST important rule on this public road is to “Keep it between the mustard and the mayo”, colloquially. In other words, STAY IN YOUR LANE. The entire 11 mile stretch of US 129 and many of the other roads in the area are marked as No Passing. While the coast may look clear there is never any guarantee that someone isn’t coming the other direction at a high rate of speed.
We need to remember that after all, this is a public road with many tourists, cruisers, rockets, Miatae and other vehicles that all have a family that wants us to come home safe. So let’s all remember to stay within our limits and not let the red mist get the best of us.
#matg #gapmiatas #miata #topmiata #gripmiata #trackmiata #miatagram #mmmmiata #roadster #mazda #eunos #omgroadster #mx5 #miataclub #topdown #na #nb #nc #nd #longlivetheroadster #miatagang #miatacrew
Only problem I encountered was the rockets passing in unsafe conditions, and at a high rate of speed.