MATG XXI Results and dates for 2018

We wanted to continue to thank our vendors, sponsors, and attendees. Just like last year (our 20th anniversary), we were able to set a few new benchmarks in 2017. We had the largest number of vendors this year which seems to coincide with our highest level of registered attendees to date. Our sponsors along with these vendors stepped up to the plate and crushed one for our record books as well. So here are the numbers:

532 Registrants signed in

$2,765.00 raised for Graham County Rescue Squad through the raffle and donations.

275 cars parked for the Dam(n) photo; with another dozen or two arriving after.  Pick up your copy from
You can also follow him on Facebook at

We would also like you to mark your calendars for 8/2-8/5/2018 where we hope to report even better attendance and donations. Room blocks at Fontana are wide open to all attendees so grab that cabin you were eyeing this weekend before someone else does.

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