As we are now less than 60 days out, the crew is working hard to get all the last minute details hammered out for the 25th Miatas at the Gap. Working with our great volunteers has made the event even more rewarding for us, giving us the chance to get to know some of our attendees even better. We’ve made some great friends along the way!
Please send an email to jeff@gapmiatas.com if you are interested in helping out!
Jeff will be working out the volunteer schedule soon and will be contacting everyone who responded with more concrete details, but before we finally close the roll book, we wanted to send one more shout out to see if there are others out there who are interested in helping us put on this crazy show.
We are looking for people to help staff shifts in the registration tent at Ground Zero, and we are also looking to connect with anyone who is interested and willing to lead a run. Remember, MATG is YOUR event, so if there’s ever been a run you’ve wanted to do, now’s the time to let us know! We’ll help as much as we can with getting your run on the schedule, help with mapping, and answering any questions you may have. Everyone loves variety, so lets see some new runs people haven’t done yet in addition to old favorites!