If you’ve been to MATG before, you are likely very familiar with our Saturday Night Beer/Wine Swap and Charity Raffle. If this is your first time coming to join us at Fontana Village, then you’re in for a treat. Every year on Saturday evening many of us gather in the vendor area to swap local beers and wine, and to draw winning numbers from the raffle tickets we sell throughout the event to support local rescue squads.
We donate 100% of all raffle ticket proceeds in the name of all MATG attendees to one of the local rescue squads. This year we are donating the money to the Graham County Rescue Squad who works the NC side of the Dragon. If you’re ever in need of medical assistance, these are the fine folk who will come to your aid. Graham County Rescue Squad is completely volunteer and depends on donations from the community to pay for training and equipment to help save lives.
We collect some fantastic items from all our sponsors and vendors and raffle prizes in the past have ranged from small items like t-shirts and hats all the way up to free stays at local lodging, several hundreds off an Exocet kit and everything in between.
So when you’re registering for the event at the Reg Tent, be sure to buy some raffle tickets to support a worthy cause and win some great prizes.