1:1 Miatas are cool…

…but have you driven a 1:64 Miata lately? No? Here’s your chance to get in on the fun in a big way!

Along with some amazing offerings from one of our vendors, we are offering three cool diecast raffle prizes of our own — eight-count Miata sets! Each of these three sets contains almost every Hot Wheels and Matchbox Miata release over the past two years. These sets include the elusive GameStop exclusive green NA, and the current Treasure Hunt NA.

All proceeds from the raffle go directly to the Graham County Rescue Squad. We extend our thanks to these volunteer first responders for the invaluable service they provide!

Raffle tickets will be available at the registration tent Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Please join us in supporting GCRS, and win a set of eight diecast Miatas while doing it!

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