Are you an artist? Graphic designer? Have creativity running through your blood? We are in need of a logo design for MATG XXIV and want our attendees to help us represent the event as best as they can with a digital vector file that will be used for promotion and printed on our annual T-Shirts. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, send us a message with some examples of your artwork or a link to your portfolio to get the ball rolling.
Everyone that ordered official event shirts on-site after we had sold out of the 300 we brought are eagerly waiting to get their hands on them. We restocked on the shirts late last week and will be sorting, stuffing and labeling them all to drop in the mail before the end of this week.
Hey hey! Miatas At The Gap XXII is only 56 days away!
We just received word from San Ran Motel in Robbinsville that they have a couple Hotel rooms left. 2 Beds for $89/night, so grab a buddy and come out to another great weekend in the mountains. Now you have no excuses!
We have heard from Fontana Village on the status of our room block – there are only FOUR rooms left on our massive block for MATG XXII!
The rooms are Fireplace Rooms with King Size beds in the Lodge building and are priced at only $119 per night + tax. This is an incredible chance if you were on the fence about attending this year, or haven’t made your lodging reservations yet. You guys are extra excited for MATG this year, as are we!
Remember to call Fontana Village directly at (828) 498-2211 and mention Miatas At The Gap to book your discounted room.
One last sappy post for a while, we think. What was your favorite memory of this year’s event? Maybe it was something from a few years ago that has slipped our thoughts over the years would work as well.
Today is the offical opening day for Miatas At The Gap XXI!
Cars are rolling in, vendors are setting up, the sun is shining and we have blue skies. Make sure to stop by the registration tent Friday or Saturday to receive your free goody bag and purchase an official MATG T-Shirt. We will keep rolling out updates on social media as they happen so make sure to check back often. Speaking of social media, you guys take a lot of great pictures, and we’d like to see them! Make sure to tag us #MATG #GapMiatas in your posts. A new thing we are doing this year is an attendee
A new thing we are doing this year is an attendee spotlight, if you and your car would like to have a small feature put on by us, make sure to say something to someone manning the Registration Tent or seek out Bryan in the Lazer Blue NB with the pink rollbar 😛
With only one day left before dragon season officially opens, we would like to take a second to remind you to drive within your own limits. The picture was taken on 8/1 of a Miata that went off US129. We put together some driving guidelines which you should all follow:
-At all times, do not drive like an idiot.
-Do not drive outside your own abilities, especially if you’re in a run and trying to keep up with the leader or the car ahead of you.
-Don’t speed, these are public roads
-At night and in low-visibility conditions, be very careful. Large wildlife can jump out of the woods in any curve, and people HAVE hit things like boar, bear and deer. Hitting a 400 pound wild boar can ruin your weekend.
-Slow in the Village. Fontana has a lot of families on vacation and small children running around, so be very careful and don’t drive fast in the Village
-Pull Over!! If you have vehicles stacking up behind you, pull over in a safe area and let them pass. The Dragon has many paved pull-offs explicitly for this. Use them.
-Beware of very large trucks. Though they’re illegal on the Dragon, they do still find their way up there from time to time, and they are still legal on all the other area roads. They take up a LOT of space, especially when trying to navigate the tight corners that the Miatas eat for lunch.
Everyone please drive safely and have a great weekend at Miatas At The Gap
With only 17 days left until Miatas At The Gap XXI we’d like to remind you all of the great organized rides and runs that happen during MATG weekend. You can find the schedule at and also at the event by the registration tent or General Store in Fontana Village.
The annual opening event for MATG is the Thursday Night Sunset Run. A group drives from Fontana Village, across the Cherohala Skyway to view the sunset from a breathtaking overlook. As a special treat, a jaunt down to Tellico Beach Drive-in for fries and milkshakes.