17 Days until MATG 21!

With only 17 days left until Miatas At The Gap XXI we’d like to remind you all of the great organized rides and runs that happen during MATG weekend. You can find the schedule at www.gapmiatas.com and also at the event by the registration tent or General Store in Fontana Village.

The annual opening event for MATG is the Thursday Night Sunset Run. A group drives from Fontana Village, across the Cherohala Skyway to view the sunset from a breathtaking overlook. As a special treat, a jaunt down to Tellico Beach Drive-in for fries and milkshakes.

#matg #gapmiatas #miata #topmiata #gripmiata #trackmiata #miatagram #mmmmiata #roadster #mazda #eunos #omgroadster #mx5 #miataclub #topdown #na #nb #nc #nd #longlivetheroadster #miatagang #miatacrew

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