Only 23 days until MATG 2017!

It’s hard to believe but there’s only 23 days left until MATG XXI!

For today’s update, I thought I’d share the current list of confirmed vendors.

If you’re interested in seeing what they have to offer, make sure to visit the Vendors Area at Fontana Village on Friday, August 4 or Saturday, August 5!

While you’re there, make sure you sign in at the registration booth. There will be raffle tickets and official event t-shirts for sale, and you can pick up your free dash plaque!

#matg #gapmiatas #miata #topmiata #gripmiata #trackmiata #miatagram #mmmmiata #roadster #mazda #eunos #omgroadster #mx5 #miataclub #topdown #na #nb #nc #nd #longlivetheroadster #miatagang #miatacrew

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